Mrs. Wilson is presently serving as the Director of Adult Christian Education. Since joining Sixth Avenue, she has had the opportunity to serve as a Special Worker Team Member with the Alabama State Board of Missions-Associational Missions training church ministry leaders and teachers on Sunday School, evangelism, Church Strategic Planning and VBS concepts and materials.
Additional experiences include copy editor’s assistant for the Woman’s Missionary Union; working closely with the National Ministry Consultant for Women, Co-Ed and African American audiences to develop public relations materials and facilitate communication with advisory team members across the country. Additional ministerial responsibilities include training church ministry leaders and teachers on Sunday School, Evangelism, African-American Church Strategic Planning, and Vacation Bible School concepts and materials.
Relevant Education
2006 Masters of Theological Studies, Beeson Divinity School
Ministry and Volunteer Experience
Five Loaves Food Ministry Coordinator
Instructor in the Mt. Pilgrim District Certificate of Program Progress (COPP)
Discovery Clubs of Alabama, Inc. (Hemphill Elementary School)
His Hands Ministry (Alabama Black Belt Mission)
Women on Mission-Past President
Educational Material Development
Like One of the Twelve: What Does it Mean to be a Disciple of Jesus Christ? (Teacher and Student Guide)
Hosea: An Expression of God’s Faithful Love for an Unfaithful People (Teacher and Student Guide)
Sermon on the Mount (Teacher and Student Guide)
A Study of Ephesians (Study Guide)
James: A Study of the Practical Matters of Christian Living January 2014 (Teacher and Student Guide)
Are You Ready for the Question?
A Study in Christian Apologetics (Study Guide)